Training “Real Kitchen a Survival”

A real survival kitchen – practical training.

We do not focus only on greens. In addition to herbs and potions there will be a food of animal origin. Of course, poaching doesn’t come into play. It is forbidden in Poland, but we should be able to build a trap and know how it works.

The training will be divided into three stages: lectures, training and test.


  • The optimal nutrition for hard survival
  • The history of human nutrition compared to other mammals.
  • Brief physiognomy and anatomy of digestion and absorption of nutrients by human.
  • A quick overview of the nutritional strategies of indigenous peoples, warriors and hunters, in
  • particular.
  • A quick overview of contemporary nutritional strategies
  • Providing yourself the most optimal way all the substances necessary for survival, maintaining
  • good mental and physical condition that allows effectively defend, fight and regenerate.
  • From on-site components
  • From ingredients prepared in advance
  • possibility of preparing your health as optimal as possible for the best possible resistance during a gatherer-hunting existence
  • nutrients of animal origin
  • nutrients of plant origin
  • Practical activities (training)
  • Issues related to game beating
  • Skinning and butchering of carcass
  • The scission of carcass for preservation, usability for the specific individuals, eg. the wounded.
  • The most optimal scission of big game in terms for groups for keeping full health.
  • Gathering forest, meadow and field plants.
  • The utility of plants: calories, medicinal substances, spices, poisons, anti-nutritive substances
  • Hunting: game pursuing and killing
  • Eating invertebrates, including insects and annelids.
  • Options of optimal preserving of natural calories: as high as possible durability, possibly high calorific value, as low as possible weight, as high as possible nutrition, as high as possible nutrition while keeping full health, which allows to perform difficult psycho-physical maneuvers.
  • The influence of individual nutrients of natural origin on musculoskeletal functions (high strength, dexterity) and brain functions (high possibilities of concentration and making complex decisions).
  • The overview and carrying out of basic methods of food preservation of plant and animal origin.
  • Making basic survival meals, durable, light high-energy bars.
  • Treatment and medicating wounds using plant and animal components.
  • The importance of sleep for good nutrition and psychophysical condition.
  • Nutrition issues in case of no possibility of heat treatment (no campfire possibility).\

Training plan:

Training duration is from Saturday 10.00 to 17.00 Sunday on private training site of Survivaltech company.

Boarding during the training is provided, in the survival form by Survivaltech, and only such is acceptable. It is an essential part to understand the idea of ​​gathering nutritious food and to really see for yourself what food have how many calories and how it is absorbable. Participants will spend the night under the open sky in self-prepared shelters.

The training is focused on the learning of acquiring and preparing food in survival conditions. This is the main scenario of the whole course. The plan does not include additional aspects like sleeping in survival conditions and lighting campfire or the other survival elements of survival resulting from camping needs. After training and passing the test, participants will get acertificate that confirms acquired skills.

The training is organized under the auspices of the International Outdoor Federation.

Semi-finished products necessary for activities and products of animal origin will be provided with tested farm animals and meet all Polish and European standards.