The Survivaltech brand was founded in 2010. It is the outcome of over 20 years of experience in survival techniques learned from scouting, service in the army and in various organizations.
It is not so that Survivaltech was founded to fill some gap in the market, but in fact, while founding it, there were only two companies professionally engaged in survival techniques on the Polish and European market.
Survivaltech is a brand that emerged from ourselves. When do you do something all your life, to create something in which you feel good, is the natural path of development. This what Survivaltech is. We give you our whole experience. And there is plenty of it.
Paweł joined the Scouts in 1988. Different times, different equipment, but the techniques were the same. Today, when we count the time spent in the forest, it is in thousands of days.When it rains, when it is cold when the sun is shining. For more than 20 years of service he has won many awards and most of all, knowledge. He raised several generations of scouts. It is impossible to describe in a few sentences things you can learn in the Scouts. After that, service in the elite 1st Commando Regiment (now the Military Unit Commando – J.W.K.), a few speciality and military clubs. Everywhere, he was teaching and educating. Hence his incredible approach to participants of trainings.
Łukasz has been as a hobby and later professionally connected with the outdoor industry for over 10 years. A teacher to countless camps for young people. Graduate of the School of sailing; professionally practising climbing and martial arts. Martial arts instructor,cshooting instructor, KDP / CMAS diver, instructor of youth in youth “OSW”; Strzelec. For manycyears, Łukasz has been carrying out event projects for companies and institutions. Since 2014,cche is the instructor of the International Outdoor Federation (I.O.F).Several thousands of photos from trainings that we have conducted so far will speakcbetter for our brand instead of certificates and papers for our brand. It is our greatestcrecommendation. Survivaltech is the Polish representative of International Outdoor Federationcthat brings together the best survival schools in Europe.We train trips, expeditions, military andcindividuals from all around the world. We are the only company in Poland affiliated to thecInternational Outdoor Federation, which, thanks to the knowledge of instructors allows to carrycout specialized trainings at the highest substantive and logistic level.We make every effort to ensure that any training or company event has always been finished up to perfection. We have specialized instructors staff and logistical capacity to serve to even the most demanding customer.We never forgive even the smallest detail, because they create perfection. Because of that, we work with the major companies from event / outdoor / training industry in Poland and Europe.
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